In The Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, the Most Kind
Islamic Center of Boise runs on the principles and values based on the Holy Quran and the Sunnah. We believe in the values of moderation and welcome people of all backgrounds seeking an understanding of Islam. We seek conversation with other faiths that leads to interfaith understanding and mutual respect.
Our Values
Islam provides clear guidance to its followers on how to conduct themselves in their daily lives. A Muslim is advised in the Quran to use the best of manners when interacting with others. The root of the word Islam is “peace,” and Muslims are to be peaceful in word and deed, treat people with kindness and mercy, and be tolerant and fair. Muslims embrace diversity and strive to “walk upon the earth in humility” (Quran 25:63)
The concept of integrity is a moral value that each of us must internalize in our heart and manifest in our daily lives. This includes our daily habits of making comments, passing judgments, handling differences of opinions or treating others regardless of their background or relationship to us, be they our family, friends or foes.
“And do not pursue that of which you have no knowledge. Indeed, the hearing, the sight and the heart – about all those [one] will be questioned” Q (17:36)
Islam states that it is the responsibility of each individual to treat all of creation with respect, honor and dignity. The most deserving of respect is the Creator Himself. Respect begins with loving and obeying the commandments of Allah and from this respect comes all the manners and standards of morality that are inherent in Islam.
Quran 49: 10-12 summed as: O you who believe, do not let one set of people make fun of another; do not insult one another by calling each other names; do not spy on one another, or spread rumors about each other or criticize people behind their backs.
Islam talks about excellence in everything that we do. The emphasis is on to “do good; indeed, Allah loves the doers of good” Q (2:195). And that excellence comes through seeking knowledge. The revelation of the Quran comes with the word “Read” (Iqra), “Read! In the name of your Lord who created” Q (96:1)
Allah commands in The Holy Quran to persevere and be patient. Perseverance is described in the Quran as one of the characteristics of those who are pious and God conscious as in “He that is righteous and patient, never will Allah suffer the reward to be lost, of those who do right” Q (12:90)
And “Seek help with steadfastness and prayer- though this is hard indeed for anyone but the humble” Q (2:45). Good tidings are given to those who persevere
This is a central theme in the Quran. Words of compassion, benevolence, justice and wisdom are found abundant in the verses of the Quran. At every step, we as Muslims are to pray to our Creator, the Compassionate and the Merciful.
As Muslims, in every step of the way, we say “Bismillāh ar-Raḥmān ar-Raḥīm” translated as “In the name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, and the Most Merciful”.
Compassion is the most frequently used word in the Quran. Each of its 114 chapters, with the exception of the 9th, begins with the invocation ‘In the name of God, the Compassionate, and the Most Merciful”